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fallin' leaves


Heyo babes! Happy Autumn! The air is crispy and bites the skin a little bit - such a tease. I hope the season's change has welcomed you well.

I've been meaning to write a blog post for WEEKS to update ya'll on my the happenings of my life. Apologies for being incognito - I did go on a mini hiatus this past week because I moved homes. The good news is I now live much closer to my office and will likely better be able to accommodate shorter notice sessions!

I'm getting nicely settled in now and will be back to my regular hours (with evenings available) next week!

As some of you already know, I was in the dumps a few months ago from a new diagnosis I received. About 3 and a half months ago, I went into the doctor to explore a debilitating menstrual cycle. I went in for imaging (because female reproductive issues are almost impossible to determine unless we are cut open) and the doctor changed her clinical diagnosis of endometriosis to adenomyosis. It's just like endometriosis except the endometrial tissue doesn't grow outside of my uterus, it just grows INTO THE uterine muscle wall, where it causes inflammation and severe pain. The only "cure" for this is a hysterectomy, so naturally I sunk into a pretty low pit of self loathing for a few days.

I started hormone treatment, something I truly never thought I would ever agree to. Alas, this new medication has been an extreme life saver. Not only has my pain gone away, but I actually feel a little less anxious. Chronic pain is no joke - It's quite amazing what happens when chronic pain becomes managed. It's like I had no idea how much it was keeping me from living my best life. Since starting the medication, I have been able to complete so much more stuff! I am more physically active, less tired, and seem to have a lot more time on my hands. So that's a WIN!


Here's a little poem I wrote back in September:

Let the gentleness awaken the intensity

And the intensity be expanded

By simply being

Little love notes playing in harmony throughout the gullies and swamps of the musical landscape within the gardens of our ecstatic performances

Let love grow like wild rhizomes of pleasure

Nestled somewhere between where we haven't yet searched

And the horizon of our upside down



In hopes of starting something really bad ass, I created a survey on this website where I am asking ya'll to let me know what you'd like to see in a workshop. A lot of you have been using your session time for consult time and I am loving it. I could honestly talk about bodies, sex, intimacy, and sexualities all friggin' day if I could.

Give me a solid jump start and help me out by filling out the survey I created on my website under The Magick tab titled "Survey". It will help me figure out what is most sought out so I can build something super radical for you.

To start, I will likely do a practice run with a basic Pleasure Body workshop that includes hard science goodness on the sexual nervous system as well as providing legit workable tools from spiritual practices that can help us use our bodies as tools of awareness. It would include chakra basics, my golden thread meditation (that I do each and every time I work on people), and other bodily practices that help us connect to ourselves and the good green Earth.

I am also *this* close to offering couples workshops to show couples how to actually perform Somatic Intimacy at home. So stay tuned! And thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for filling out the survey. You're the best.


As always, I truly wish the best is happening for you. I am stoked to be on this Earth with you. And I look forward to seeing you soon, babe.

Best be yours,




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